Monday, April 4, 2011

Brittany's Secret to Brewing Excellent Coffee :)

As I think back to my childhood, my mind is filled with the memories of waking up to the sounds and smells of my dad brewing a fresh pot of coffee...that, and his "chirping" alarm clock. Did any of your parents ever have in their possession, an alarm clock so annoying, you wanted to wrap the cord around one of their necks and strangle them in their sleep? Or at least just throw it out the darn window? No? Oh...I guess I was just blessed.
Imagine the sound of water running peacefully through a brook, slipping smoothly over and around the rocks in its path... and about seventeen different birds---DIFFERENT SPECIES OF BIRDS mind you---chirping simultaneously. Yeah, I liked the coffee better.
Ever since then, coffee has not been just another beverage to me. No, it's been more a way of life. Something that defines who I am as a person. Below is my secret to brewing a GREAT pot of coffee. And you don't even have to spend a fortune doing it. I will warn you, though...Starbucks is going to miss you terribly. They will see less and less of you each day. Pretty soon, you'll be down to three times a day...and they'll stop offering you stock in the company. Just sayin'.
Enjoy all you coffee-lovin' moms!  This is our first step on the exciting journey of experimentation with those crunchy little beans!

Brittany's Basic Coffee Recipe:
1. A bag of good quality coffee beans or grounds. I prefer Starbucks of course. But surprising as it may sound, there are others. I'm not here to endorse a brand, just to give suggestions. Whatever coffee floats your boat is good enough for me.
2. A coffee pot and access to a water supply. You need to use filtered water...because guess what? If you use nasty tasting water, that's exactly what your coffee will be...nasty!

Seriously, that's it. But the to double the amount of coffee grounds "they" tell you to use. And by "they" I mean those people that write the instructions on the outside of coffee bags. Whoever the heck they are. For instance, if you normally use 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds to every 1 cup of water, double that. I normally use 1 CUP of grounds to every 6 cups of water. Sounds like a lot, but if you want strong brew, you've got to do it.
So, my coffeeholic mom readers, say goodbye to that "Customer of the Month" photograph that's hanging on the wall at your local Starbucks...and all surrounding Starbucks locations...because when you get done working your way through this blog, you'll never see it again. Nor will you even care! (Blasphemy, I know.) Honey, today is a new day! Trust me, your husband will be thrilled when you all have an extra $800.00 in the bank at the end of the month. And he may pass out when you tell him you've pretty much kicked the ole SB habit. Just sayin'...not that I know from experience or anything. ;)


  1. Great blog and excellent articles! I am following you from the blog hop via GFC and hope you will drop by and visit my blog. I too am an admitted lifelong coffee addict. :) KY Klips Blog

  2. Thanks for the kind words! And thank you for stopping by and taking the time to look through my posts. I would love to check out your blog! Take care.


    P.S. We recovering coffee addicts must stick together! :)
