Thursday, April 7, 2011


Tonight, I am happy to say, that I was able to have some "me-time." There is nothing like it. Moms, whether you have only one child, or you are a regular Michelle Duggar, you understand the importance of time to yourself. It is crucial in the preservation of one's sanity after being cooped up in the house all day with a three-year old who refuses to use her potty 100% of the time, and a 7-month old poo-poo machine. :)

Case in Point:
Tonight, I drove to Starbucks. (Ironic, isn't it? Hey, we're not here for ME! Lol. Just kidding. Even recovering addicts are allowed at least one cheat day per week. So there.)
Now, you should know that I don't get out of the house too much anymore. So, my social skills, are a bit, shall we say, lacking? I tend to talk alot more now. It's what happens when the only person you have to talk to during the day is 3, and SHE thinks Barney is a real dinosaur. You can imagine the conversations we have. :) So anyway, I pull through the drivethru to pay and get my caramel apple spice (haha! I wasn't drinking coffee!). And I mean, seriously, it's not like the guy doesn't know me, okay? We see eachother almost every night. Gosh, we're practically best friends. So of course, I go into the whole spiel about how "I'm pregnant again." And "Our youngest is only seven months old! It was such a surprise." Oh and  "Trust me we weren't planning it or anything." (At this point, he's thinking Please spare me the details, Lady.) Of course I end it with "And that's why I'm craving these every day!!"
The look he gave me was between a "I could care less about your life story," and "This woman may be possibly completely nuts after all."

Now ask yourself, is it really ALL about the coffee? I mean, of course, we have all convinced ourselves of the need for that strong brew, which is what has brought us to our coffee addiction today!
But many times, I think we find ourselves at the local coffeehouse just because of our need for me-time. What better excuse than to "get away from it all" for a couple of hours?
How in the world can I save money, but still maintain my sanity? That is the big question that we will be tackling some of our future blog posts. :) Just hang in there, Mom.
You were on my mind when whipping up today's coffee recipe: Mocha. Here's your DIY treat for the day:

The Crunchy Bean Mocha

1. Brew a strong pot of coffee (follow my basic coffee recipe.)
2. While that's brewing, mix a basic chocolate syrup together (my basic hot chocolate syrup recipe.) Just the cocoa powder, sugar and water, and heat it to a slight boil. That's it. No flavoring.
3. Fill your mug about halfway with the brewed coffee. Stir in whatever you normally drink with your coffee, i.e. sugar, creamer, etc. (no flavoring, though)
4. Fill the mug the rest of the way with the chocolate syrup. Stir.
5. That's it! Now, for an added effect, and to make it a peppermint mocha, top it with some of that homemade peppermint whipped cream (because I know you have some left, right?) Sprinkle on some chocolate shavings. Bathe yourself in mocha.

Hazelnut Hottie

I feel an obligation to my readers to post as early in the morning as possible. Needless to say, that does not always happen. :) I hope you find the following scenario amusing. (No, this did not happen to me.)

Random RSMA Scenario:

So, did you have an all-out panic attack this morning as you went through the line at Starbucks and realized they hired a new barista? You finally make it through the mile-long morning rush line, slightly irritable, but proud of yourself that you've made it ONE WHOLE DAY without succumbing to temptation. You stand there for what seems like an eternity, waiting expectantly, until it finally hits home that this glassy-eyed college student neither knows your name nor your usual beverage. It hasn't been that long since I've been here, you think, begrudgingly. 
"Don't you know who I am?" you mutter, incredulously, through caffeine-deprived clenched teeth. He looks around for help from one of his co-workers, but everyone's ignoring him. On purpose. You lean over the counter, grabbing the lapels of his coffee-stained white shirt and...

Remember those bad dreams I told you about? Oh, I didn't, did I. Another withdrawal symptom. No worries. If you haven't had harrowing nightmares such as these, you will at some point during the withdrawal process. Oopsie.

Here's a hot chocolate recipe, Moms, to get you going. It's chocked full of sugar and flavor and a little caffeine. Exactly what you need right about now, heh?? It's a lame apology I know, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me just the same. :)

Hazelnut Hottie

Hazelnut, cinnamon, the very mention of those names tantalize your greedy little taste buds?

For the hot chocolate, use the basic chocolate syrup recipe, except add two tablespoons of hazelnut flavored coffee syrup.

Maple Cinnamon whipped cream:
1. 1 cup of heavy whipping cream
2. 1 tbsp of granulated sugar
3. 1 tsp of vanilla
4. 1 tbsp of maple syrup
5. 1 tbsp of cinnamon

Beat the heavy whipping cream on high speed until it's start to thicken. Slowly add all other ingredients while still mixing. Beat until it's thick and fluffy, like one giant cloud. Heaven!! Throw some on your hot chocolate and invite all your friends over. They'll be glad you did.

Oh, and remember this small tidbit of advice if you do happen to succumb to temptation at some point during the day (which is rarely allowed at this point, ahemmmm....)...don't beat up any baristas. It would kind of defeat the purpose of the whole RSMA process if you're a convicted felon and in prison. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mommy Lingo

Random RSMA Thought for the Day:

~Have you ever just wanted to scream into a pillow at the top of your lungs? Just for the heck of it? I did it last night (not the first time, I'm proud to say.) And let me tell you...I feel soooo much better. It's a huge stress reliever. So go 'head.  Just take a deep breath,  and simply hold a medium-sized pillow snuggly and securely over your mouth and nose (sounds like you're about to give yourself CPR, which is not even possible), and let it all out. ~

Before we get too far along into this blog, I thought it only fair to warn you: here at RSMA, we will be using alot of lingo. So let's go over a few key "code words."

RSMA- Recovering Starbucks Mommy Addict(s)
SMA - Starbucks Mommy Addiction
SB - Starbucks

That's all you need to know for now.
How long has it been since your last trip know...that place?  If it has been more than six hours, give yourself a pat on the back. No, seriously. That's a huge accomplishment.
I know what's weighing heavily on your mind right now. The average SB withdrawal time? Three weeks. Flat. Brewing your own coffee drinks will only do so much during that time period. Withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to:

1) Googling the Starbucks website to browse their collection of gift items and/or coffee mugs.
2) Making a deliberate attempt to avoid your local Starbucks by driving 15 miles out of the way just to get to your mother-in-law's house who lives three minutes down the road.
3) Night sweats, fever, talking in your sleep (particularly muttering phrases like "skinny vanilla latte" and "make it a double shot." You may want to warn your spouse about that one.)

You will get through this, I promise you. One purpose of this blog is to make you laugh so hard that you wet your pants, and completely forget about making that coffee run. You wouldn't be able to anyway at that point.

Of course, you know I would never allow you to leave without giving you a little caffeine-filled recipe to jump-start your heart. This one has more sugar than caffeine, but I knew you would be desperate right about now anyway. :)

Hot Chocolate with Peppermint Whipped Cream and Chocolate Shavings:

For the hot chocolate, use my Chocolate syrup/hot chocolate recipe from the previous post, except add 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint coffee syrup.

Peppermint Whipped Cream:
1. 1 cup of heavy whipping cream
2. 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
3. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4. 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract

Beat the heavy whipping cream on high speed until you see it start to thicken. Slowly add the sugar, vanilla and peppermint while still mixing. It's not ready until the mixture is thick and fluffy!!! (I feel like a modern-day Julia Child.)
Add a dolop to your hot chocolate and for pizzaz, shave a bar of dark chocolate on top. It just makes it look pretty. =)

Mocha Madness

Quote of the Day:
"You know you have a problem when you drive by Starbucks, and your three-year old child starts violently flailing her arms and legs and yells 'Coffee!!! I need coffee MMMMOOOOMMMMYYYY!!!!!' " ~ Me
Got caffeine?

Since we're covering the basics, and no coffee establishment goes without serving hot chocolate (or mocha. By the way, have you tried Starbucks' new cocoa cappucino? It is simply to die for! I highly recommend the venti size. Ahem. Nevermind, just forget I said anything. We'll talk later...;)

You'll need this syrup for both many of the coffee and hot chocolate recipes. As recovering Starbucks mommy addicts, we absolutely cannot get through those days when our kids (who by the way are old enough to know better) draw their masterpieces with red crayons over our newly painted white walls, without a steaming hot mug of hot chocolate or better yet, mocha. is in those moments where we need to maintain our sanity, and this cannot be accomplished without large amounts of caffeine. :) Not that this happened to me mind you. My kids are perfect angels.

Brittany's Fabulous Chocolate Syrup Recipe:
1. 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
2. 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar (depends on how sweet you want it to be; I prefer closer to two tablespoons, but you be the judge)
3. 3 tablespoons of water
4. 2 teaspoons of vanilla

Stir these ingredients together in a pot on the stove, until the syrup thickens and comes to a slight boil. For a basic hot chocolate, add as much milk as you like, a dash of cinnamon, and return the mixture to a light boil. You'll know it's ready when that milk starts foamin' and steamin'. Another little gadget that I HIGHLY recommend is a hand-held milk frother. Besides making pretty foam on the top of your coffee, it just makes you feel like a barista. It's okay, just admit it. We've all had the fantasy.

That's it, Ladies. I hate to write and run, but I think I just saw my three-year old run past me with a red crayon...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Brittany's Secret to Brewing Excellent Coffee :)

As I think back to my childhood, my mind is filled with the memories of waking up to the sounds and smells of my dad brewing a fresh pot of coffee...that, and his "chirping" alarm clock. Did any of your parents ever have in their possession, an alarm clock so annoying, you wanted to wrap the cord around one of their necks and strangle them in their sleep? Or at least just throw it out the darn window? No? Oh...I guess I was just blessed.
Imagine the sound of water running peacefully through a brook, slipping smoothly over and around the rocks in its path... and about seventeen different birds---DIFFERENT SPECIES OF BIRDS mind you---chirping simultaneously. Yeah, I liked the coffee better.
Ever since then, coffee has not been just another beverage to me. No, it's been more a way of life. Something that defines who I am as a person. Below is my secret to brewing a GREAT pot of coffee. And you don't even have to spend a fortune doing it. I will warn you, though...Starbucks is going to miss you terribly. They will see less and less of you each day. Pretty soon, you'll be down to three times a day...and they'll stop offering you stock in the company. Just sayin'.
Enjoy all you coffee-lovin' moms!  This is our first step on the exciting journey of experimentation with those crunchy little beans!

Brittany's Basic Coffee Recipe:
1. A bag of good quality coffee beans or grounds. I prefer Starbucks of course. But surprising as it may sound, there are others. I'm not here to endorse a brand, just to give suggestions. Whatever coffee floats your boat is good enough for me.
2. A coffee pot and access to a water supply. You need to use filtered water...because guess what? If you use nasty tasting water, that's exactly what your coffee will be...nasty!

Seriously, that's it. But the to double the amount of coffee grounds "they" tell you to use. And by "they" I mean those people that write the instructions on the outside of coffee bags. Whoever the heck they are. For instance, if you normally use 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds to every 1 cup of water, double that. I normally use 1 CUP of grounds to every 6 cups of water. Sounds like a lot, but if you want strong brew, you've got to do it.
So, my coffeeholic mom readers, say goodbye to that "Customer of the Month" photograph that's hanging on the wall at your local Starbucks...and all surrounding Starbucks locations...because when you get done working your way through this blog, you'll never see it again. Nor will you even care! (Blasphemy, I know.) Honey, today is a new day! Trust me, your husband will be thrilled when you all have an extra $800.00 in the bank at the end of the month. And he may pass out when you tell him you've pretty much kicked the ole SB habit. Just sayin'...not that I know from experience or anything. ;)